Master of Ceremony (MC) adalah orang yang menjadi penentu sukses-tidaknya sebuah acara. MC (baca: emsi) bertanggung jawab sejak acara dimulai hingga ditutup.
MC --singkatan dari Master of Ceremony -secara harfiyah, MC artinya penguasa acara, pembawa acara, atau pemandu Acara. Master = penguasa, ahli. Ceremony = Acara.
MC (Indonesia: Emsi, Inggris: Emcee) adalah orang yang bertugas membawa atau memandu sebuah acara.
Di Indonesia, MC dibedakan dari Pembawa Acara (PA). Pembawa Acara yaitu orang yang bertugas membawa acara resmi atau kenegaraan. MC merujuk pada orang yang bertugas membawa acara tidak resmi.
Pengertian MC dalam Bahasa Inggris
Karena MC merupakan istilah bahasa Inggris, mari kita simak pengertian MC dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini.
A person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers - Word Net Web
Dalam The Free Dictionary disebutkan beberapa pengertian MC dalam bahasa Inggris:
1. A person who acts as host at a formal event, making the welcoming speech and introducing other speakers.
2. A performer who conducts a program of varied entertainment by introducing other performers to the audience.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company).
A person who presides over a public ceremony, formal dinner, or entertainment, introducing the events, performers, etc. (Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003)
A person who conducts events, as at a formal occasion or television broadcast, acting as host and introducing the speakers or performers. (Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc.)
Kamus Merriam-Webster mengartikan MC sebagai:
1: a person who determines the forms to be observed on a public occasion
2: a person who acts as host at a formal event
3: a person who acts as host for a program of entertainment (as on television)
Pengertian MC Menurut Wikipedia
Dalam Wikipedia disebutkan:
- A master of ceremonies (also used in its abbreviated forms MC or emcee or compère is the official host of a staged event or similar performance.
- An MC usually presents performers, speaks to the audience, and generally keeps the event moving. An MC may also tell jokes or anecdotes.
- The MC sometimes also acts as the protocol officer during an official state function. In hip hop and electronic dance music, an MC, otherwise known as a rapper, is a music artist and/or performer who usually creates and performs vocals for his/her own original material.
- The term originates from the Catholic Church. The Master of ceremonies is an official of the Papal Court responsible for the proper and smooth conduct of the elegant and elaborate rituals involving the Pope and the sacred liturgy.
Inti semua pengertian MC dalam bahasa Inggris di atas sama dengan pengertian secara harfiyah, yaitu pembawa acara, termasuk pembawa acara di televisi dan radio (host), dengan tugas pokoknya adalah membuka acara, mengenalkan pembicara atau pengisi acara, dan menutup acara. (*
Key Terms:
- Syarat jadi MC
- Keterampilan MC (MC Skill)
- Teknik membuka acara MC
- Teknik bridging MC
- Teknik menutup acara MC
- Tugas MC Sebelum Acara
- Tugas MC Selama ACara
- Tugas MC Sesudah Acara
- Naskah MC
- Contoh Naskah Pembuka MC
- Contoh Naskah Penutup MC
- Contoh Lengkap Naskah MC
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